Monday, November 9, 2009

And the Dr. said....

We had our 3rd appt today with Dr. Hix (last time was with Gorman). We've liked both so far. It was suggested we meet with different doctors since which Dr. delivers really depends on who's on call. Today we got to hear the baby's heartbeat again! Last visit it was 160bpm, this time the heartbeat was 150bpm. We opted out of the amniocentesis (AFT) testing. Everything is going well and the Dr. doesn't have any concerns. Dr. Hix also said I might start to feel the baby's movements between now and then. We were very excited about today because they were supposed to schedule our first ultrasound...and...the big day is Monday, Dec. 7th at 3:30 pm with Dr. Bailey. So we're counting down the 4 weeks until we get to see our baby for the first time and hopefully tell if we're having a boy or girl!! On that note we have settled on first names...drum roll please....... If we have a girl we're naming her Reese. And if a boy, then Grahm/Graham. Middle names are still very much in the works :)

14 week 'baby bump'

We did some heavy duty cleaning this weekend. We started cleaning out the nursery to-be, which we previously used as an office, not realizing how much STUFF we have to find places for. So we first had to clean out other closets and areas to move stuff into. It's going to be a tight squeeze, I think some call that cozy right? lol.
We also went to the Hogs game with Trent and Naomi and then to Devil's Den with family. It was a fun weekend! Our baby is gonna know how to call the Hogs!!!
Oh and Mom were right...I ran into a door knob Saturday night. It's funny now because it doesn't hurt as bad. But I thought I broke my arm there for a bit (that wasn't so funny). I've gotta watch out for those walls and doors, they are starting to jump out there and bite me!
Well, before we sign off for tonight. Please enjoy a picture at our expense, haha. Again we have a sense of's a picture of Grant and I, I mean...Mario and Yoshi at Halloween.

Goodnight & Go Hogs!

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