Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How time is flying by...

Grant and I cannot believe that Grahm is already 6 weeks old. It has been the most wonderful six weeks and our world has been altered in the most incredible way! We've been so blessed by Grahm and everything he has brought to our little family.
Grahm has brought unity to pieces of our family that were previously not speaking.
Grahm has brought some a reason to give up hurts and habits that might limit their life.
Grahm has brought a new joy to those who were feeling complacent.
Grahm has added to the ways in which we were already greatly blessed by God.
Grahm has added to the things that Grant and I love about each other.
Grahm has allowed me to see Grant as the amazing father I knew he would be.
Grahm brings happy tears while holding him and sad ones at the thought of leaving him for even a day.
Grahm has brought us yet another reason to praise God every day.

Day to Day
Each day has something new and fun in store! Grahm is growing so fast and learning new ways to amaze us. We're starting to get in somewhat of a routine (which I partially credit Baby Wise for). He only wakes up once a night and has been sleeping longer each week. He slept 7 hours one night this week. He eats about every 2.5 to 3.5 hours and has about an hour of play time in between feeding and nap time. He used to get really fussy around 9pm. But since we started a bedtime routine he does great! At night he has bathtime, then a massage with bedtime lotion, we read a story, and then he goes to bed without any fuss.
  • At 5 weeks we moved him from the bassinet in our room into his crib in his room. He's been sleeping in his own bed since then. So proud of our lil' man.
  • He's really starting to enjoy bath time now! (until it's time to wash his face...ha).
  • He can push himself from his tummy onto his back.
  • He smiles big grins, talks baby talk & responds to familiar voices and faces.


Tomorrow (Friday), we're going up to Bright Haven Christian Learning Center to get Grahm enrolled in part-time daycare. I'll be going back to work on June 28th so it's time to get everything situated. Over the years we've done a lot of grumbling about Grant's work schedule...nights, crazy rotations, long hours, etc. However, during this season of life it's really a blessing. Because of Grant's 3 days on-3 off rotation, Grahm will only have to attend daycare part time and will get to stay with Daddy on his days off. This will give him social and learning time at Bright Haven, while also getting days off to hang out with Grant or I and visit family, go have fun or just relax at home. We're really confident about our decision to use Bright Haven. It's a Christian based facility with an impressive teacher-student ratio and a lot of fun activities and curiculum for the kids, especially as they get older. We have friends with their children in Bright Haven and they've been very impressed so far. And a small detail that we love...they have live feed cameras in every room so we can get online & see our little man any time we want! I think that'll help curb the anxiety a little.

Brag Book
Well as always I have tons of pictures - so here's my newest online 'brag book' - ENJOY!
A ministry called Picture the Mission took these newborn pictures of Grahm. He was 2 weeks old here. Picture the Mission helps mission teams raise funds by offering photography in exchange for support donations for the specific team their working with at that time. During this session PTM was helping our Junior High Belize teams raise funds for their trip this summer. Two of the girls from our group, Mary & Jordyn, are in Belize right now. They'll be there through June 27th, keep them & the people of Belize in your prayers!
Here is our sweet little man at 2 weeks old:

Play Time!
Being off during the first part of summer has been amazing and Grahm & I get a lot of play time while Daddy is at work...and even more when he's home!

We like to go visit Morgan and Miss Hollyn, one of Grahm's first friends! He's definitely catching up to her in size haha.
Morgan & Grahm

Grahm & Hollyn at their play date

Grahm seems to have some of the most fun on his changing pad haha. This where we often play our little 'kisses' game after diaper changes and we make noises, give him a big kiss & make smacking noises. He responds with big grins & baby talk. Here's another great big grin with dimples.

Tom & Marilyn came to visit from Colorado. Grandma Janice & Papa Lew had us out as well as Chris & Meredith so everyone could meet and visit the kids.

Chris & Meredith with Chase & Skyler, Grant and I with sleeping Grahm in the background.

Grandma Janice with Alex, Papa Lew, Nancy, Marilyn & Tom

Pool Time!

We got Grahm a covered kiddie pool so he can have fun in the water but stayed covered. We put him in his little sun hat that goes with his swim trunks and he looked at me like "seriously?". He's been wearing hats since day 1 so he's used to all these sun hats I put him in. He loves being outside and spending time in the water.

"seriously mom?!"

Grahm's first time in the pool!

Memorial Day

We had some friends over for a Memorial Day cookout, volleyball, baggo & pool fun for the kids. I tried to play volleyball at the cookout...keep in mind this was 4 weeks after having a C-section. Yea...I don't do well with physical restrictions, but I learned my lesson by #1) looking-a-fool trying to play haha...and #2) being very sore the next day! It's the first summer that the majority of our friends have kiddos so we're having fun getting everyone together.
Lillian and Benjamin playing in the pool on Memorial Day! So Sweet!
Grahm in the background sleeping in the pool, haha. I'd say he's pretty relaxed.

Bryley spashing in the pool, Jax decided he needed to cool off too and jumped in with her!

Before all the kids got out of school and the pool got crowded, we took little man up to the Elks Lodge pool and let him try out his new floatie.

Sleepy boy waking up to play in the pool

Ok maybe not 'play'...instead he sleeps in the pool haha.

Grant & I with Mr. Grahm

Ohhh so sweet!

Grant & I after the Tim McGraw & Zac Brown Band concert

Goooo Hogs!

Cutest little Razorback booties
We my break the record for youngest child able to call the Hogs! He's already started training ;)

Daddy!! I will eat your nose!

Grahm & I having dinner with friends at Sassy's Redhouse BBQ

6 week old! He's so strong!

I see a critter looking at me!

Grahm's lil' hoof!
Splish Splash I was taking a bath!

Grahm enjoying bathtime!

More fun in the tub!
Well that's our latest update! Life isn't so simple these days, but it is WONDERFUL!
Tune in for more posts & take care!
G&B + Grahm!
Matthew 22:37
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
Song suggestion: How He Loves, David Crowder Band. Love love love it!